Campus Website Improvements

We'll happily post updates on improvements in accessibility on various sites as reported by automated testing. Be sure to let us know of your results!

Library Renovation

The Library renovation site increased its accessibility score from 62% compliance to 73% in just a few days!
Date Accessibility Compliance (Overall) WCAG Level A* Compliance WCAG Level AA*  Compliance
4/13/18 70% 76% 41%
4/20/18 81% 89% 49%

Library Renovation Website

Father Hesburgh Portal

The Hesburgh Portal site increased its accessibility score from 70% compliance to 80% in just one week!
Date Accessibility Compliance (Overall) WCAG Level A* Compliance WCAG Level AA*  Compliance
6/18/18 70% 76% 41%
6/22/18 81% 89% 49%

Father Hesburgh Portal Website

* WCAG 2.0 sets forth the international guidelines for web accessibility. Don't worry. You don't have to read it all. We can help.